Members of the West Haven Police marching in the July 4, 1917 Parade.
The West Haven Police vehicle fleet in 1929 outside City Hall. (From right to left), 1st Selectman Charles H. Hobro, Police Chief Harry W. Tuttle, Ofc. Shine, and 3 unidentified Officers
Members of the West Haven Police Department in 1957.
Officers of the West Haven Police Department Photo taken July 5, 2020
Members of the May 3, 1969 Policeman’s Ball committee. (Standing left to right ) Sgt Jerry Biondi, Officer Edward Connelly, Sgt. Joseph Conzo, Det/Sgt. George Hawley, Det. Angelo Biondi, Officer Francis Dahlmeyer, Sgt. John Slater and Officer James Tucker. (Sitting left to right) Assistant Chief Joseph Harvey, Officer Donald Ianuzzi, Deputy Inspector Sal Malinconico and Officer Al Nardi.
Police Chief Joseph W. Harvey (seated center) with Inspector Peter Longo posing with the West Haven Auxiliary Police (PSO) in 1978
West Haven Police members mobilizing for the KKK rally on 4/28/84.
Officer Albert E.Withington, the West Haven Police Department’s first motorcycle officer with his Indian Motorcycle. Albert served as the department’s motorcycle officer for many years until that type of patrol was replaced by the squad car. Affectionately known as ” Smoke “, Albert joined the department in 1925 and retired as a Sergeant in 1945.
Compition Pistol Team 2009 left to right Deputy Chief Carl Flemmig, Ret Detective Sergeant William Cole, Detective Michael Wolf.
Chief Joe Harvey’ s Angels in 1977
Auxiliary Police Capt. Arnold Hewston swearing in Rev. Tierney as chaplain. Police Chief Malinconico and Lt. Michael Kelly looks on.
West Haven Police Department Ball Committee – 1958 (left to right) Officer Ernest Rennie, Officer Christopher Stratton, Det. Joseph Figaro, Officer Hank Carney, Sgt. Salvatore Malinconico, Officer Edward Cannellie and Officer Augie Scalese.
Officers Jimmy Sansone, Craig Whelen, Sal Carrano, Dave Ricci, Charlie Beurer, and Ed Connelly in 1975 standing in the driveway of the old police headquarters at 355 Main St.
First members of the West Haven Police Department Bicycle Unit posing with other trainees in 1996. (in order starting 3rd from left) Ofc. Sal D’Amato, Sgt. Lorie Tamaro and Ret. Ofc. Patty Whelan.
Members of the original bike patrol – Officer Eric Pimer and Officer Sal D’Amato
Officer Ed Carney Sr. questioning a “runaway”
Officer Edward J. Carney at a Savin Rock game of chance stand.
Brothers – Salvatore Carrano and Matthew Carrano
Police Commissioner Louis Donofrio, Officer Steve Casman, Chief Malinconico and Police Commissioner Morty Hecht.
First West Haven Police Department’s Santa / School Visit in December 1969. (Police left to right) Det. Sal Marino, Officer Dan Harvey, Chief Joe Harvey, Deputy Inspector Sal Malinconio and Santa-Officer Robert Weber.
West Haven Police Class 1951
West Haven Police Class 1952
Ret. Detective Sgt. William Cole giving instruction during patrol riffle training
Collage of West Haven Police personnel past and present, composed for 50th West Haven Policeman’s Ball, May 24, 1986.
West Haven Police Officers receiving commendations on March 27, 1967. (Shown standing left to right) Officers Ralph Puglia, James Tucker, Chief Michael Onofrio, City of West Haven Mayor Alexander Zarnowski. (sitting left to right) Officers Ernest Rennie, Henry Carney, George Griem, Donald DeGrasse and Police Commissioner Alex Botte.
Officer Daniel Casman at the “Rock”. Officer Casman’s son – Steve and grandson – Craig followed in his footsteps and joined the department.
West Haven Police Department’s Emerald Society Marching Unit in 1995 St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Officer George Fitch (left) with Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis.
he West Haven Guardians of Law and Order as they appeared in 1903.
Chief Harvey, First West Haven Policewoman Beatrice Ferrucci and retired Det. Harold Torello
Detective Joe Harvey at a motor vehicle crash scene in 1949.
Proud Father and Son, Chief Joe Harvey at Ofc. Dan Harvey’s swearing in ceremony in 1965
Detectives Joe Harvey and Joe Figaro inspecting an illegal still seized from a raid in West Haven.
Officer David Hewston utilizing his laser unit on Ocean Avenue assisted by a “Speed Enforcement Chase Parrot” in 2000.
Officer Matthew Carrano standing guard outside of a Homicide Scene on Knox Street on January 2, 1982
Deputy Chief George Greim being “arrested” for the Jail for Bail Charity by Det. David Burke and Det. Paul Raucci.
Memorial Day parade in 1976. (Left to right); Officer D. Hewston, James DiBiaso (owner of the Ford Model A), ret/Officer R. Treat, ret/Officer R. Rabbito, ret/Det. Sgt. S. Marino, ret/Officer H. Reed and (kneeling) ret/Det. D. Dymarcik.
A West Haven Police Officer and his cruiser meets Mother Nature in 1971.
Ed Carney Sr. driving a police vehicle in a Parade in front of the A & P Market on Campbell Avenue.
Patrol Riffle training in 2006
Police Benevolent Association members map plans for Policeman’s Ball for May 1 1971. (Standing left to right) Sgt. John Slater, Officers Robert Weber, Matthew Carrano, Allan Friedman, Edward Connolly. (Sitting left to right) Det. James Tucker, Chief Joseph Harvey, Officers William Dorgan, and Alfred Nardi.
Irwin Tulchin and Nick Rapetske the top shooters for the West Haven Police Department Pistol Team displaying their shooting styles on the police range in 1964.
PPC Compition in Albuquerque NM 2006
Copy of a newspaper article dated July 2, 1969 announcing West Haven Police Department promotions and new Hirings.
Retired Sgt Richard Rabbito with his newly purchased (at the time) 1985 Harley Davidson motorcycle. Sgt. Rabbito was assigned to the Traffic Division and was the department’s expert draftsman. If you look closely you will see a radar unit attached to the front fairing of his motorcycle. This motorcycle is still in service as a spare today.
Retired members of the West Haven Police Department at a luncheon in 2000.
Members of the West Haven Police Department’s Pistol Team being presented medals by Chief John Monahan in 1958. Left to right, James Minuit, Irwin Tulchin, Michael Caporale, Chief Monahan, Lewis Burgess, Frederick Bruch and Lt. Thomas Paterson.
Officers displaying the newly purchased riot gear in 1966.
Officer and Santa visit to schools in 2006
Chied Joseph Perno and Officer Angel Moscato during a Santa visit to Forest School in 2007
Officer Walter N. Scranton, the West Haven Police Department’s only Mounted Police Officer. Officer Scranton worked the area along the Waterfront from Second Avenue to the Milford Town Line at Oyster River. One of his duties was to retrieve hot-air balloons that had been released from the “White City” of Savin Rock from 1905 – 1910.
Special Olympics 1995 (left to right), Ast. Chief Innamorato, Silver Medallist Nick Pergolotti., Mayor H. Richard Borer, Thomas Hamilton, Ast. Chief Kniehl, Doug Cutler and Police Chief Michael Kelly.
SRT activated for an armed suspect at the University of New Haven Campus
SRT activated for an armed suspect at the University of New Haven Campus
SRT Riot Training 2009
SRT Tear gas Training 2009
South West Region SRT Riot Training 2006
WHPD Special Responce Team 2016
South West Region SRT Team 2009
Members of the West Haven Police Department S.W.A.T. Unit in 1983
Members of the West Haven Police Department’s S.W.A.T. Unit in 1995.
West Haven Police S.W.A.T. Unit during a gas exercise in 1983.
Officer Costanzo giving Instruction to Det Sgt, Ed Anderson during baton training in 2006 Also Pictured Det. Sgt. Walter Casey, Officers Antoine Hayward and Jason Gregoriades
Pepperball Training in 2006
Det. Sgt. William Cole giving instruction to Sgt. Susan See during Taser training in 2006
First Police Union Local 895 contract signing July 1, 1971. (Left to right); Alex Botte, Chairman of Police Commission, Ptlm. James Cimmino, Union President, Ptlm. Edward Connelly, Union Vice President, (standing); Sgt. Michael D’Errico, Ptlm. Robert Weber Jr., members of the negotiating team.
Linda Finn, Ed Carney Sr. trying on a new bulletproof vest, Mary Ann Durso and Chief Joe Harvey
Officer Vincent Costanzo and ret. K-9 Sabian instructing Officers S. Ardito and S. McNeil.
Detective Captain Stephen E. Wilson was a 35 year member of the West Haven Police Department when he died while responding on foot to a bank alarm at the New Haven Savings Bank on Main Street. On the morning of December 9, 1959 at 0844 hrs., Det. Capt. Wilson was running with fellow officers to the bank alarm when he collapsed from an apparent heart attack across the street from the bank. Det. Capt.Wilson was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Raphael’s Hospital. It was later learned that the bank alarm turned out to be accidentally set off by an employee.
West Haven Police Department Drill Team in 1968. (Standing in front) Chief Michael Onofrio, (first row) William Dorgan, William Maloney, Henry Carney and Ed Carney, (second row) Robert Weber, Alfred Nardi, Herbert Reed and James Baklaar, (third row) Francis Dahlmeyer, Paul Fritz, Daniel Harvey and Salvatore Coppola, (last row) Edward Allen, Joseph Conzo and Edward Connelly.
Photos from a barricaded gunman incident on Richard Street in 1983.
Sitting left to right) John M. Loomis ( First Police Chief) and Chief Robert French inside Police Station on Monday May 22, 1922.
Chief Robert French, Sgt. Gus Moore, Officer Raymond Zoller and Officer Lee posing with illegal stills seized by the West Haven Police Department during the Prohibition in 1924.
Hired September 20, 1991 after all the years The 4 amigos are still good friends
From the left Ret Det Sgt. William Cole, Captain Salvatore D'Amato, Deputy Chief Carl Flemmig and Det. Sgt Stanley Pliszka